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  • 第1条 (会員)
    • 1. 「会員」とは、当社が定める手続に従い本規約に同意の上、入会の申し込みを行う個人をいいます。
    • 2. 「会員情報」とは、会員が当社に開示した会員の属性に関する情報および会員の取引に関する履歴等の情報をいいます。
    • 3. 本規約は、全ての会員に適用され、登録手続時および登録後にお守りいただく規約です。
  • 第2条 (登録)
    • 1. 会員資格


    • 2. 会員情報の入力


    • 3. パスワードの管理
      • (1)パスワードは会員本人のみが利用できるものとし、第三者に譲渡・貸与できないものとします。
      • (2)パスワードは、他人に知られることがないよう定期的に変更する等、会員本人が責任をもって管理してください。
      • (3)パスワードを用いて当社に対して行われた意思表示は、会員本人の意思表示とみなし、そのために生じる支払等は全て会員の責任となります。
  • 第3条 (変更)
    • 1. 会員は、氏名、住所など当社に届け出た事項に変更があった場合には、速やかに当社に連絡するものとします。
    • 2. 変更登録がなされなかったことにより生じた損害について、当社は一切責任を負いません。また、変更登録がなされた場合でも、変更登録前にすでに手続がなされた取引は、変更登録前の情報に基づいて行われますのでご注意ください。
  • 第4条 (退会)


  • 第5条 (会員資格の喪失及び賠償義務)
    • 1. 会員が、会員資格取得申込の際に虚偽の申告をしたとき、通信販売による代金支払債務を怠ったとき、その他当社が会員として不適当と認める事由があるときは、当社は、会員資格を取り消すことができることとします。
    • 2. 会員が、以下の各号に定める行為をしたときは、これにより当社が被った損害を賠償する責任を負います。
      • (1)会員番号、パスワードを不正に使用すること
      • (2)当ホームページにアクセスして情報を改ざんしたり、当ホームページに有害なコンピュータープログラムを送信するなどして、当社の営業を妨害すること
      • (3)当社が扱う商品の知的所有権を侵害する行為をすること
      • (4)その他、この利用規約に反する行為をすること
  • 第6条 (会員情報の取扱い)
    • 1. 当社は、原則として会員情報を会員の事前の同意なく第三者に対して開示することはありません。ただし、次の各号の場合には、会員の事前の同意なく、当社は会員情報その他のお客様情報を開示できるものとします。
      • (1)法令に基づき開示を求められた場合
      • (2)当社の権利、利益、名誉等を保護するために必要であると当社が判断した場合
    • 2. 会員情報につきましては、当社の「個人情報保護への取組み」に従い、当社が管理します。当社は、会員情報を、会員へのサービス提供、サービス内容の向上、サービスの利用促進、およびサービスの健全かつ円滑な運営の確保を図る目的のために、当社おいて利用することができるものとします。
    • 3. 当社は、会員に対して、メールマガジンその他の方法による情報提供(広告を含みます)を行うことができるものとします。会員が情報提供を希望しない場合は、当社所定の方法に従い、その旨を通知して頂ければ、情報提供を停止します。ただし、本サービス運営に必要な情報提供につきましては、会員の希望により停止をすることはできません。
  • 第7条 (禁止事項)


    • 1. 法令または本規約、本サービスご利用上のご注意、本サービスでのお買い物上のご注意その他の本規約等に違反すること
    • 2. 当社、およびその他の第三者の権利、利益、名誉等を損ねること
    • 3. 青少年の心身に悪影響を及ぼす恐れがある行為、その他公序良俗に反する行為を行うこと
    • 4. 他の利用者その他の第三者に迷惑となる行為や不快感を抱かせる行為を行うこと
    • 5. 虚偽の情報を入力すること
    • 6. 有害なコンピュータープログラム、メール等を送信または書き込むこと
    • 7. 当社のサーバーその他のコンピューターに不正にアクセスすること
    • 8. パスワードを第三者に貸与・譲渡すること、または第三者と共用すること
    • 9. その他当社が不適切と判断すること
  • 第8条 (サービスの中断・停止等)
    • 1. 当社は、本サービスの稼動状態を良好に保つために、次の各号の一に該当する場合、予告なしに、本サービスの提供全てあるいは一部を停止することがあります。
      • (1)システムの定期保守および緊急保守のために必要な場合
      • (2)システムに負荷が集中した場合
      • (3)火災、停電、第三者による妨害行為などによりシステムの運用が困難になった場合
      • (4)その他、止むを得ずシステムの停止が必要と当社が判断した場合
  • 第9条 (サービスの変更・廃止)


  • 第10条 (免責)
    • 1. 通信回線やコンピューターなどの障害によるシステムの中断・遅滞・中止・データの消失、データへの不正アクセスにより生じた損害、その他当社のサービスに関して会員に生じた損害について、当社は一切責任を負わないものとします。
    • 2. 当社は、当社のウェブページ・サーバー・ドメインなどから送られるメール・コンテンツに、コンピューター・ウィルスなどの有害なものが含まれていないことを保証いたしません。
    • 3. 会員が本規約等に違反したことによって生じた損害については、当社は一切責任を負いません。
  • 第11条 (本規約の改定)


  • 第12条 (準拠法、管轄裁判所)


Terms & Conditions

English version of Terms & Conditions is the translation of Japanese version(legal version).

Use the service (hereinafter referred to as "this service") provided on the website operated by Business Center Okayama (hereinafter referred to as "our company") (hereinafter referred to as "our site") We will establish the terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") as follows.

Terms of service

This agreement shall be applied to all matters related to using this service. If you use this service, you are deemed to have accepted this agreement.

Change of contract

We can change this agreement without prior notice to or consent from the user.

Use of this service

The user shall be able to use this service in accordance with our terms and the instructions set by the Company.
The user shall assume all responsibility for the information transmitted by the user through this service and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to the Company.
In connection with the use of this service, if the user gives damage to another user, third party or right holder, or if the user has a dispute with another user, third party or right holder, in case of occurrence, the user shall resolve it with his/her own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to the Company.
If the user is a minor, the use of this service requires consent of parental authority.
Regarding the privacy of users, we will rely on "personal information protection policy".

User registration

When you use this service, you can register as a member by using the form provided by our company.
When registering to this service, you will register truthful and accurate data about yourself. At this time, we will not check for any false application. Registration of this service shall be registered once for each user. In addition, if it is found that the registrant has been suspended or cancelled of membership due to violation of the terms of use in the past, or violation of the terms of use of our company, etc., the registration content of the registrant is false, we may not approve the registration.
The user shall promptly notify in accordance with a method separately specified by the Company when a change occurs in the address, name, telephone number, e-mail address or other application information registered in this service.
Users can choose whether or not to receive advertisements (e-mail magazine) from our company by e-mail at the time of registration. However, information that seems to be beneficial to the user, such as guidance on how to use our products, booking service or information that seems to require notification or contact will be sent by e-mail, postal mail or telephone. We may notify you. For those who wish to stop shipping information magazines / materials, please contact us through the "inquiry window".

Internet member ID and password management

The user can use this service by using the Internet member ID and password registered by the user him/herself.
The user assumes all responsibility for the management and the use of the Internet member ID and password.
The user shall not lend the Internet member ID and password to third parties, transfer, lend, change name, disclose etc at their own risk.
Any disadvantage, damage, alteration, etc. by the use of the Internet member ID and password by a third party, etc. is not our responsibility.
If the Internet member ID and password are leaked or it is found by a third party that the user is using it, the user shall immediately notify the Company to that effect.
The user shall recognize the risk of leakage etc. due to the act of sending the credit card number, etc. and use it under the responsibility of the user when using this service.

Prohibited items

In using this service, the user shall not perform the following acts.
In case of violating prohibited acts, we may be liable to criminal penalty liability and damages liability by criminal law, unlawful access prohibition law, trademark law, copyright law, private commercial law etc.
Acts of using information on this service, information, products etc. regardless of profit or non-profit without obtaining prior consent from our company.
Act of registering false contents at the time of member registration.
Acts that impede the operation of this service, other acts that may interfere with this service.
Acts that interfere with our business.
Use or order this service for profit or resale.
Acts that infringe trademark rights, copyrights, privacy or other rights.
Acts of using this service by misuse of credit card
Acts of using this service by misuse of personal information of others.
Act to write information that is contrary to facts, information that is meaningless, etc.
Acts contrary to public order and morals, acts in violation of other laws, or acts that may be those tampering with information on our company or this service, or information provided through this service.
Acts of sending or writing harmful computer programs etc.

Other acts that we deem inappropriate

Stop this service for other users or delete their membership registration.
Regarding users for whom the user violated these Terms or for any user who we deem not inappropriate, we will restrict, suspend or cancel the provision of this service without notifying the user in advance.
When it is found that the member registration has been cancelled due to violation of this usage agreement etc. in the past.
When it is found that membership registration has been suspended/cancelled due to violation of our company's Terms of Service.
Delay in fulfillment of payment obligation such as fee for this service and other defaults.
In the case of conducting the act of "prohibited item".
In case of violation of this agreement.

About using cookies

On this site, we use "Cookie" to provide the best service to our customers.
We may refer to cookies by utilizing Cookie data as our marketing data or by entrusting it to a third party such as Yahoo! JAPAN.
Cookie is data that identifies your computer and does not contain any personal information.
Normally, you can disable cookies by changing browser settings, but in that case, we may not be able to use this service on our site normally.

Other notes

We refuse orders for profit and resale.
Even if the products offered by the Company are sold at auction site, trader, individual site etc., we cannot have any responsibility.


Copyrights or trademark rights and other intellectual property rights relating to contents (images, illustrations, texts etc.) on this site go back to the past from the present and all belong to us or other legitimate copyright holders.
Therefore, it is prohibited to reprint, copy, reuse without permission of our company.

Regarding information gathered by us for our company, we are assumed to have been granted the right to use this, and may be posted on the newsletter magazine, leaflet, WEB, etc.

Transfer of right

You cannot transfer the right to receive this service or any other rights that are permitted to you.

Purchase items

Users can purchase products using this service. If you wish to purchase a product, you will purchase it according to the order procedure specified by us. Regarding the purchase of the catalog item, we will provide it according to the order procedure described in the catalog.


With regard to payment amount and payment method in this service, it shall comply with each product application form and usage guide. In the case where the user pays with credit card, the user shall comply with the separate contract terms with the card company. If any dispute arises between the user and the credit card company or the like, it shall be resolved by both parties and the Company shall not bear any responsibility.

Information management

We decide the necessary information to be posted on this site. we will be able to delete the contents to be sent (transmitted) through this service or change the placement place. The Company's right to delete includes the right to delete content that violates these terms and content that we deemed to be problematic.

Stop service

When operating and managing this service, the Company shall be able to change, add, stop or cancel this service without prior notice to or consent from the user. In addition, we are not responsible for damages suffered by the user due to the suspension, change etc. of this service.
When necessary for periodic maintenance and emergency maintenance of the system.
When it turns out that system operation became difficult due to natural disasters, fire, blackouts, disturbing acts by third parties, etc.
In addition, when we judge it necessary.


We shall be held in duty by processing office work in accordance with the user's registered contents.
If we are obliged to notify the user, we will notify the user when purchasing the product by sending a notice to the e-mail address registered by the user in advance, and for delivery of our products.
We will fulfill our obligations by delivering the goods etc. to the destination.
Except as provided for in this Agreement and the Usage Guide etc., regardless of the damage caused by reasons unavoidable attributable to the Company's responsibility, whether or not the Company's foreseeability, disability arising from special circumstances, lost profits, and from third parties, we do not assume the responsibility for damages of users based on claim of damages.
In the event that any dispute arises between the user and a third party with respect to the use of this service, the related user will resolve it with its responsibility and any troubles or damages shall not be given to us.
In the case where the user changes the password, it shall be exempted by making a change by the prescribed method instructed by us.

Agreed jurisdictional court

In the event of a problem between the user and the Company, both parties shall resolve in good faith. In case it is difficult to solve and the necessity for litigation arises, the Fukuoka District Court shall be held by the court of competent jurisdiction.
If you are liable for damages due to non-payment of the purchase and sale price by the user or any other act of violation of this Agreement and we use a lawyer to collect the claim, you will also be responsible for the attorney’s fee based on the attorney’s remuneration provision.
As a general rule, contact method between us and the user shall be by e-mail or telephone.

Governing law

Regarding the establishment, effectiveness, performance and interpretation of this agreement, it conforms to Japanese law.

Display on distributor

Based on the law concerning Specified Commercial Transaction, the distributors of this site are as follows.

〒700-0033 Okayama Okayama-shi Kita-ku Shimadahon-machi 1-5-37

Business Center Okayama CO., LTD

Representative Director Tadashi Okamoto

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